A014 Research program LNG material and construction

Publieke samenvatting / Public summary

Met dit onderzoek wordt meer kennis gegenereerd om de kwaliteit en de prijs van onderdelen van de LNG-infrastructuur te verbeteren (zoals kleppen, afsluiters, pompen, meetinstrumenten, flexibele transferslangen, opslagvaten etc.).

De doelstelling is meer kennis te genereren over de toepassing van nieuwe materialen en constructie-concepten voor de Small scale LNG infrastructure .

Korte omschrijving
The program consists of multiple projects in which a specific concept is being developed. The program starts with an inventory study with the identification of opportunities for new material and construction concepts. This inventory project will result in a list of promising equipment applications for new material and construction concepts and defined research and development road maps for the following program lines, within the scope of small scale supply infrastructure: Material behaviour, Construction concepts, Qualification and test procedures, Experimental validation.
