Publieke samenvatting / Public summary
To link the relevant Dutch partners to the European project SOLARROK.
Korte omschrijving
Main objectives are * Set-up and stimulate collaboration of Dutch PV-partners with the EU project SOLARROK * Contribution to the developing joint business models to improve access to international markets for RTD and business actors of the European solar sector, via at least one workshop and support on the written deliverables from SOLARROK * Supporting SOLARROK project with providing information to 1 fill RTD-gaps to improve resource-efficient production of solar modules, 2 identify sustainable cluster approaches, 3 exchange cluster management best practices; 4 benchmark in international context; * Organising 2 knowledge exchange activities, to building international collaboration capacities within and beyond Europe and to increase researcher mobility between research and industry; * To provide input to SOLARROK for developing an international level Joint Action Plan including regional smart specialisation strategies, in order to strengthening European competitiveness.
To link the relevant Dutch partners to the European project SOLARROK.
Korte omschrijving
Main objectives are * Set-up and stimulate collaboration of Dutch PV-partners with the EU project SOLARROK * Contribution to the developing joint business models to improve access to international markets for RTD and business actors of the European solar sector, via at least one workshop and support on the written deliverables from SOLARROK * Supporting SOLARROK project with providing information to 1 fill RTD-gaps to improve resource-efficient production of solar modules, 2 identify sustainable cluster approaches, 3 exchange cluster management best practices; 4 benchmark in international context; * Organising 2 knowledge exchange activities, to building international collaboration capacities within and beyond Europe and to increase researcher mobility between research and industry; * To provide input to SOLARROK for developing an international level Joint Action Plan including regional smart specialisation strategies, in order to strengthening European competitiveness.