M. Clement

Modelaanpak voor financiering van grootschalige industriële energie-efficiency

Publieke samenvatting / Public summary

Energy intensive companies have a relatively small CAPEX budget available for energy efficiency improvements through in-process application, and that such investments face a very high hurdle rate for execution. It is common that investments with a pay-back period longer than 2,5 years are rarely executed. The consequence is that novel energy efficiency technologies do not reach mass market scale, and product innovation and cost reduction of technologies is not achieved due to the lack of investments. The energy transition from the current system towards to the long term decarbonization goal of the Paris Agreement will require a significant increase in capital investments. This triggered the current investigation and search for solutions by novel business models and financing instruments that would enable more industrial energy efficiency investments to be executed.

This research identified novel business models, policies and financial instruments that can increase the amount of private capital from institutional investors to increase energy efficiency investments particularly in energy intensive industry.

Korte omschrijving
The report has been developed in 4 parts: - Analysis of the Italian and Dutch energy efficiency policies. - Analysis of ESCO experience in the Italian market and possible translation of this experience in the Dutch market. - Analysis of a potential market size and structure in energy efficiency in the Netherlands and estimation of the size of investments. - Analysis of novel financial instruments and investment funds to finance energy efficiency projects including the novel IFRS accountancy rules, and a new methodology and risk assessment to de-velop and bundle these projects in an investment fund.

The result will lead to positive market outlook for innovative energy efficiency products and increase competitiveness of the energy intensive industry. The first focus of this report was to improve the interaction between SME technology suppliers, energy intensive industries, government policies and institutional investors in order to create an mutually beneficial eco-system. This Eco-system has been analyzed in the report with a focus on ESCO5 as a missing link for project develop-ment and project financing for Energy Efficiency projects in industry.