Innovatiechallenge 2020

Publieke samenvatting / Public summary


The goal of the Offshore Wind Innovation Challenge is to accelerate the innovation process by facilitating the cooperation between the Offshore Wind energy industry and start-ups and small medium sized enterprises. Via a matchmaking process large offshore wind companies, wind farm owners or non-profit organization hand in existing 'problems' (Challenges) they encounter in operating their business and for which they have a need for innovative solutions from the outside world.

Short description

The process contains four basic steps: 1. Publication of the 'problem' (Challenge) with a competition letter explaining the expectations of all parties towards each other 2. Pitch & present session where startups/ SME's can present their potential solution to the problem owner in 15 minutes in a 1-on-1 setting 3. Selection and Bootcamp were promising solutions are discussed more in (technical) depth with potentially knowledge institutes or industrial experts to check technical feasibility and agree next steps. 4. The public Finals of Offshore Wind Innovation Challenge. The 'best' solutions (to be appointed by the wind farm owner, large company or non-profit organization) from 2 tot 5 SME's/ startups will present their solutions during the Finals. Companies are asked to state their intentions on for next steps in cooperation in order to bring the presented innovative solutions to the market. A summary of this will later be shared on the website of Offshore Wind Innovators.