Mild Fractionation


Publieke samenvatting / Public summary

There is no doubt that centrifugal contactors, such as RPBs, could provide significant improvement of separation processes in the chemical industry. This is recognized and a growing interest among European end users is noticed, not only those involved in the current application. The fact that China is having established applications with little knowledge transfer to the external world makes it very timely to address this promising technology in European context.

The aim of the project is to evaluate and quantify the potential of the HiGEE technology by developing the fundamental know-how and understanding of centrifugal contactors, leading to proper scaling rules for these contactors (which are currently not available), and by performing experimental industrial case studies.

Korte omschrijving
The project is the continuation of the short ISPT project (1.5 years) currently running. The experimental work in the beginning of the project will be performed at the TU Dortmund University (TUDO) where three RPBs on pilot-scale are already available. During the project the applicability of RPBs will be demonstrated for selected industrial cases. The overall project objective is to prove, how HiGEE technology can facilitate the transition towards the next generation of smart, flexible, continuous production plants, with superior yield, purity and quality of products and improved productivity.