
Publieke samenvatting / Public summary

The Netherlands is committed to decarbonize its economy by 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement. The Dutch government foresees in its plans a vital role for green hydrogen in helping energy intensive and hard to abate industries reach net-zero emissions. Green hydrogen can be produced on- and offshore. One of the advantages of offshore hydrogen production is that you can build your electrolysers close to wind farms and avoid electricity net congestion. Wind farms will not have to be curtailed at moments of high renewable electricity supply as electricity will be fed directly into the electrolysers. Furthermore, future wind farms will be built far out at sea and connecting them to onshore electrolysers via electricity cables will be very expensive. Converting electricity offshore and transporting the hydrogen to shore might be a solution here. The continuing expansion of offshore wind energy production in the North Sea and decommissioning of oil and gas infrastructure provides attractive options for offshore hydrogen production facilities.

RWE and Neptune's H2opZee project aims to develop a first-of-a-kind power-to-X facility that integrates renewable energy and state-of-the-art production processes in the form of a 500 MW offshore hydrogen plant. The plant will be connected to an off-grid offshore wind farm within the project framework, with a pre-existing or new pipeline delivering the hydrogen to shore. The project thereby contributes to multiple TSE Industrie studies aims: it promotes the offshore energy transition, attracts the production value chain of wind energy and green hydrogen to the Netherlands, and strengthens the international position of the Netherlands and its industry by delivering technology and knowledge. RWE and Neptune will conduct an extensive study to investigate the feasibility of the realization of the H2opZee project. Together with relevant third parties, they will assess the technical, operational, environmental and commercial feasibility of using offshore wind as a renewable energy source for the direct large scale offshore production of hydrogen. The study's outcomes will support the project partners in the decision to enter the next project phase of the H2opZee project.

Korte omschrijving
The feasibility study is divided into four work packages (WP): 1) technical coordination, 2) technical feasibility, 3) commercial feasibility and 4) finalisation and reporting. The objective of WP1 is implementation of the project, ensuring the completion of high-quality deliverables in time and within budget. The technical feasibility of the project is assessed in WP2. It includes the optimization of the operations & maintenance strategy, evaluation of environmental requirements and offshore hydrogen production risks, establishing a framework for the supply of electrical equipment, and maturing of the hydrogen production facility design. WP3 aims to assess the commercial feasibility of the project through a more detailed investigation of the commercial scope and refining the business case. The objective of WP4 is the finalisation and reporting of the feasibility study and includes key project documents that are needed for the decisions to enter into the next project phase. It will contain the updated commercial scope and business case and describe the project's overall status. RWE and Neptune are responsible for all WPs, and the third party for WP2 and WP3.

The expected result of this study is a feasibility report which supports the decisions on the further development and realization of the H2opZee project. The feasibility study will accelerate the H2OpZee project maturity to entry into operation in 2031. The report will address a number of research questions related to 1) the operation & maintenance strategy, 2) the hydrogen production facility design, 3) electrical equipment and control technologies, 4) environmental impact evaluation and 5) the commercial scope and business case.