Green Steam Ahead
Publieke samenvatting / Public summary
Dutch enterprises reliant on steam for process heating face a critical environmental and regulatory dilemma. Fossil fuel-powered steam boilers are under scrutiny for their significant contributions to global warming. CO2-emission reduction through heat pumps is a maturing alternative, but PFAS in refrigerants is an upcoming concern prevalent in heat pumps. It could potentially block further development for the shift from fossil-fuel-based steam boilers to eco-friendly heat pump systems. The Green Steam Ahead project represents a significant market opportunity and aligns with AtmosZero's mission to drive innovation in sustainable technology.
The primary objective of the Green Steam Ahead project is to develop a PFAS-free heat pump system that utilizes natural refrigerants, such as ammonia and hydrocarbons. This system aims to ensure future environmental compliance and sustainability. The proposed heat pump system can generate 200ºC steam at a capacity of 1,000 kg/hour, making it suitable for approximately 50% of the industrial process heat market, including sectors such as food processing, pharmaceuticals, and chemical manufacturing. The modular design of the heat pump system acts as a cost-effective replacement for fossil fuelfired boilers, minimizing engineering costs and downtime. With a target Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 2.0, the system aims to double the efficiency of traditional electric boilers, ensuring a viable return on investment. Its limited installation costs make it suitable for asset lease by banking institutions, thereby accelerating market adoption.
Korte omschrijving
To support the market adoption of the Green Steam Ahead heat pump, AtmosZero intends to develop and improve the durability and efficiency of heat pump systems using PFAS-free refrigerants. The project will focus on creating high COP solutions for low ambient and high steam temperatures, improving workability up to 200ºC. Additionally, AtmosZero will innovate to address grid congestion and upgrade heat pump systems for higher output temperatures. The project involves designing modular heat pump systems, conducting operational testing, and ensuring regulatory compliance. These efforts aim to validate system performance and reliability, engage stakeholders, and disseminate the anticipated breakthrough developments.
PFAS-free system AtmosZero commits to developing a heat pump system without PFAS and with natural refrigerants (such as, but not limited to, ammonia and hydrocarbons) to ensure future environmental compliance and sustainability. Temperature output and capacity to serve ~50% of the industrial process heat users The proposed heat pump system can generate 200ºC steam at 1.000 kg/hour, serving about 50% of the total industrial process heat market, including food processing, pharmaceuticals, and chemical manufacturing sectors. Modular heat pump system as a cost-effective replacement for fossil boilers The proposed heat pump system is a drop-in replacement for a.o. fossil fuel-fired boilers, minimizing engineering costs and downtime. This radical innovation contains a modular design that avoids the need for waste heat auxiliary systems, which can triple the CapEx. With a target COP of 2.0, the system doubles the efficiency of traditional electric boilers, ensuring a viable return on investment. The limited installation costs increase suitability for asset lease by banking institutions, thereby accelerating market adoption.
Dutch enterprises reliant on steam for process heating face a critical environmental and regulatory dilemma. Fossil fuel-powered steam boilers are under scrutiny for their significant contributions to global warming. CO2-emission reduction through heat pumps is a maturing alternative, but PFAS in refrigerants is an upcoming concern prevalent in heat pumps. It could potentially block further development for the shift from fossil-fuel-based steam boilers to eco-friendly heat pump systems. The Green Steam Ahead project represents a significant market opportunity and aligns with AtmosZero's mission to drive innovation in sustainable technology.
The primary objective of the Green Steam Ahead project is to develop a PFAS-free heat pump system that utilizes natural refrigerants, such as ammonia and hydrocarbons. This system aims to ensure future environmental compliance and sustainability. The proposed heat pump system can generate 200ºC steam at a capacity of 1,000 kg/hour, making it suitable for approximately 50% of the industrial process heat market, including sectors such as food processing, pharmaceuticals, and chemical manufacturing. The modular design of the heat pump system acts as a cost-effective replacement for fossil fuelfired boilers, minimizing engineering costs and downtime. With a target Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 2.0, the system aims to double the efficiency of traditional electric boilers, ensuring a viable return on investment. Its limited installation costs make it suitable for asset lease by banking institutions, thereby accelerating market adoption.
Korte omschrijving
To support the market adoption of the Green Steam Ahead heat pump, AtmosZero intends to develop and improve the durability and efficiency of heat pump systems using PFAS-free refrigerants. The project will focus on creating high COP solutions for low ambient and high steam temperatures, improving workability up to 200ºC. Additionally, AtmosZero will innovate to address grid congestion and upgrade heat pump systems for higher output temperatures. The project involves designing modular heat pump systems, conducting operational testing, and ensuring regulatory compliance. These efforts aim to validate system performance and reliability, engage stakeholders, and disseminate the anticipated breakthrough developments.
PFAS-free system AtmosZero commits to developing a heat pump system without PFAS and with natural refrigerants (such as, but not limited to, ammonia and hydrocarbons) to ensure future environmental compliance and sustainability. Temperature output and capacity to serve ~50% of the industrial process heat users The proposed heat pump system can generate 200ºC steam at 1.000 kg/hour, serving about 50% of the total industrial process heat market, including food processing, pharmaceuticals, and chemical manufacturing sectors. Modular heat pump system as a cost-effective replacement for fossil boilers The proposed heat pump system is a drop-in replacement for a.o. fossil fuel-fired boilers, minimizing engineering costs and downtime. This radical innovation contains a modular design that avoids the need for waste heat auxiliary systems, which can triple the CapEx. With a target COP of 2.0, the system doubles the efficiency of traditional electric boilers, ensuring a viable return on investment. The limited installation costs increase suitability for asset lease by banking institutions, thereby accelerating market adoption.