Economic Hydrogen Liquificaction And Storage

Publieke samenvatting / Public summary

There is a need to develop an affordable small scale hydrogen liquefier that offers the user opportunities to have small amounts of liquid hydrogen available at any time. The liquefier should be cheaper than the ones that are currently available in the market.

New concept and proof of concept for an economic hydrogen liquefier, making it affordable for a growing market. The concept should be scalable to larger capacities, making it interesting for new markets.

Korte omschrijving
The main activities in this project focus on the development of a new concept for a hydrogen liquefier system. Detailed thermal, process and mechanical calculations will be performed to optimize circumstances and specifications for the liquefier, providing top efficiency of the process. During the project the Technology Readiness Level will be increased from TRL2 to TRL4. A small demonstrator model with dummy loads will be tested in a laboratory environment for proof of concept.

Result of the project will be validation of the technology for an affordable, scalable hydrogen liquefier and storage system.