BEAP 2.0

Bundled Early Adapter Projects 2.0

Publieke samenvatting / Public summary

The aim of this project is to increase the opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises that are working on technologies aimed for meeting the sustainability goals of the Dutch Industry. It has been identified that in order to meet the goals of the Dutch government, the will of the people and the needs of the industry, a project needs to be set up to help SME's make contact with Industries, localize and develop their technologies to suite the specific needs of Dutch Industrial partners. This is why the organizations of ISPT, EMI and NL GUTS are working together along with SMEs, Industry and other Knowledge Institutes to make Early Adaptor Projects happen.

The aim of this program is to: • Set up modules involving novel technology at industrial plants or using model mixtures of the fluid streams used, • Develop clear protocols and procedures to correctly be able to test and compare the results • Offer technical support to SMEs • Maintaining an administrative infrastructure for innovation and dissemination of success to create further business development.

Korte omschrijving
There will be 6 Working Packages (WP) in the project. Five of the working packages will be done individual for each industrial partner, because each partner represents its own case. WP 6 is for technical management, the setting and meeting of module results and goals, the organization of the administration and technical risk management. Another main goal of WP 6 is exchanging results and knowledge between the cases (WP 1-5) to push innovation and to see other opportunities for implementing the developed technologies. For each of the industrial WPs there will be three phases: 1. Orientation phase – The SMEs will meet with the industrial partners to determine the conditions and understand the industry's needs and so the industry can understand how the SMEs can meet these needs. This will be done through workshops, work package meetings and individual meetings. 2. Development & Testing Phase – The SMEs will develop and test their technology based on the input given by the industrial end-users. During this phase, knowledge institutes are available for technological, analytical, and practical support. 3. Conclusion – A reflection and conclusion of the technologies will be done.

The end results of the project are: • A confidential report for each application of membranes to the industrial partners and the membrane developer • Matrix of future possibilities in response to the outcomes of the report • A confidential end report and a public end report on the project as a whole • Results will be shared at the ISPT Conference 2022/2023 • Presentations to be given at the NL GUTS, ISPT and NPS meetings in 2022/2023 • Project webpage on the website with a technology carousel of each of the participating technology developers.